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Are Desi's Racists?
By: Vandana Venkataraman
Viewed: 27912
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Well here we are ?desis? again. That term can describe our countrymen to be a unified lot!! But are we really??

Let?s see how many desi varieties we can count. There are the local desis living in our subcontinent ? basically the north and south Indians, there are the NRI?s from Europe, Africa, America and all over Asia and the other places. We are basically everywhere, and I am proud of that fact. On the contrary, is it a cause to develop racist attitudes amongst us? Do we have negative feelings about other Indians just because they come from somewhere else, Or as a matter of fact from a different part of India?

My experience says we are, and I might be totally wrong, but can experiences be wrong?

For example why do desis in India think that American desis have landed from another planet? We are either gods to them, or we are people who have to be scorned at for not being patriotic. Is it right to be treated differently in your own country because you weren?t born there or live there anymore? On the reverse why do some NRI?s think that someone living in India is filthy or not properly groomed, grow up and look at the difference in standard of living. Culture shock is a natural tendency and is at blame to some part, but it cannot be an excuse to ignore or disrespect another human being or hurt their feelings for that matter.

North Indians are good at running businesses and people from the south might prefer being employed by someone. Together we can be great. We could also learn from each other if we just looked at ourselves as Indians. Instead we have to start picking at our basic traits, traits that have grown into us for generations. We act like school kids!!

We think that we have learnt a lesson when the British introduced us to Divide and Rule and found it a very easy method to rule us and bring us under control. After all these years of celebrating our independence we still aren?t very different.

Yes I do agree that every society has their differences. Every country has its upper, middle and lower class according to lifestyle. For us we have extra perks in differences!! Being different is intended, but for good reasons. Just imagine if everyone looked and behaved the same. It will cause a lot of confusion and chaos.

Each of us is unique and that should be seen as something that can contribute to our growth as a race rather than closing in our minds on the small things. One major reason for us not to enhance our development, even though being a huge population, is our ability to concentrate on the small and minor issues.

Viewing fellow Indians (no matter where they come from or who they are) as being different, is racism, and can never contribute to our growth no matter how patriotic we are and contribute to society. We might as well throw all our efforts and wealth in the thrash. So fellow desis, let us try to respect each other and look at the bigger picture.


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