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San Diego Desi  »  Things to do
Oceanside Beach
Category: San Diego Beaches
Viewed: 188
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Oceanside, once considered a military town because of its proximity to Camp Pendleton, now enjoys a reputation as a tourist-friendly destination. Locals, families, and tourists alike enjoy Oceanside?s beach and harbor.

Its wide expanse of sandy, palm-covered beach is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, surfing, or simply romping in the blue Pacific. Oceanside?s beach is adjoined by ?The Strand,? a main street that is excellent for strolling, rollerblading, or bike riding. Volleyball courts are set up along the beach, and the pier is considered excellent for surf fishing.

Oceanside Harbor?s yacht basin offers easy access to the Pacific as well as many shopping and dining opportunities. Check out the Oceanside Marina Inn for accommodations right on the marina!

Oceanside City Beach has lifeguards, restrooms, a snack bar and disability access. Restaurants and assorted sundries are available at nearby Cape Cod Village. Paid parking lots border both sides of the pier. There is also a cheaper lot east of the railroad tracks or you can park for free along The Strand.

Getting There
Take I-5 north from San Diego to Oceanside exits, head West to the beaches.


 Things to do in San Diego 
  U.S.S. Midway
  Wild Animal Park
  Torrey Pines State Beach
  Snorkling and Scuba Diving
  Sunset Cliffs
  Bernardo Winery
  ARCO Olympic Training Center
  Mount Soledad
  San Diego Maritime Museum
  Seeley Stables
  Viejas Casino
  Coronado City Beach
  Westfield Plaza Camino Real
  Outlet Mall - Carlsbad Premium Outlets
  National Comedy Theatre
  Spreckels Organ Pavilion
  San Diego Railroad Museum
  Museum of Photographic Arts
  Timken Museum of Art

more things to do >>


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