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San Diego Desi  »  Things to do
Coronado Walking Tour
Category: San Diego Sightseeing
Viewed: 3659
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Whether you are a resident of Coronado or just visiting, the Coronado Historical Association Museum?s 60 minute, easy-paced walking tour is a wonderful way to learn more about the architecturally and historically significant buildings that surround the Museum.

This tour is led by specially-trained docents from the Museum?s Promenade Guild.

This Coronado walking tour is included with the many other attractions on the Go San Diego Card.

More Information:
Phone: 619-435-5993.
Fee is $12.


 Things to do in San Diego 
  Miramar Reservoir
  San Diego Museum of Man
  Outlet Mall - Carlsbad Premium Outlets
  San Diego Bay Walk
  Heritage Park Victorian Village
  Star of India
  Westfield Parkway Plaza
  Mission Trails Regional Park
  Junipero Serra Museum
  Lambs Players Theatre
  Imperial Beach
  Westfield Mission Valley
  La Jolla Childrens Pool
  Botanical Building and Lily Pond
  Giant Dipper Roller Coaster
  Maritime Museum
  Viejas Casino
  Gaslamp Quarter
  Birch Aquarium
  Japanese Friendship Garden

more things to do >>


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