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Home Based Daycare
Category posted in Family
Posted by: anvi1018
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  anvi1018 wrote on 2017-04-04 20:56:57

I am currently looking for an Indian home based day care. preferably in la jolla (in and around costa verde) or Mira mesa near qualcomm office..

Any info is appreciated..

  sdalal wrote on 2017-04-06 19:20:58
I am a UCSD student pursuing masters degree in clinical research and now on a leave, also a mother of a three year old daughter. At the same time I am doing child development/home day care certifications through extension. I would like to help you. We live at 9550 Carroll canyon rd. Being a medical doctor by profession and a mother I would definitely help you taking care of your child. Please let me know if you think it works for you.

  anvi1018 wrote on 2017-05-03 12:49:21
Hii, sorry for the late response, can I have your contact....

  kh2013 wrote on 2017-05-03 14:03:10
Hi SDalal - can you please email me your contact number at
I have a friend that is looking for a day care for her daughter in that are. Thanks!

  aboli_ghare wrote on 2017-06-14 12:04:20
Hi anvi, i know one who runs daycare in crossroads. If you want i can share her number.

  sdalal wrote on 2017-06-14 14:41:45
Here is my email id -

  agali wrote on 2017-06-23 18:27:33
Could you send me the details too at I am also looking for infant day care around costa verde/92122 or mira mesa near qualcomm. Also looking for parents to talk to :)

  charo wrote on 2017-06-23 20:45:58
I am looking for fulltime babysitter urgently. Excellent salary
We are in 92107 West Point Loma Blvd.
Please email me at
or call/text at 510-381-2105

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