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Any Expectant Mothers?
Category posted in Health
Posted by: Bhavana
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  Bhavana wrote on 2013-01-02 01:03:29
Hello all Indian ladies.
Looking to share some stories and exchange any health concerns you might be going through and ask my own questions.
Please respond if you are expecting or have recently had a little person rock your world.

  sonia04 wrote on 2013-01-02 12:08:30
Hey Bhavana

I am due on Feb 8th...and would be glad to share my thoughts with you.

  Bhavana wrote on 2013-01-05 00:11:51
Sonia04, I am due on jan 24- a boy!

  Bhavana wrote on 2013-02-17 10:57:37
Hello Sonia, did you have your baby?

  ysingh wrote on 2013-02-18 18:25:38
hi bhavna and sonia, i m yogita and my due is on 12 may .....and i hava 18 months old son also.....where do u live?

  sonia04 wrote on 2013-02-19 12:12:12
Hey Bhavana and Yogita. Yes i had my baby boy on 1st of Feb and both are doing well.I live in Vista were are you guys located.

  dd1234 wrote on 2013-02-21 01:03:26
Hey Sonia Congrats on becoming a mom! I am a new mommy. had a baby last year. I live in north county also. Let me know if u have any questions or concerns1 Enjoy ur baby!

  ysingh wrote on 2013-03-01 16:55:34
hey sonia congrats...i m living at 8530 costa verde apartments.
i hope u r enjoying ur motherhood....its grt time in our life....

  amrutard wrote on 2013-04-01 12:19:59
Hey girls, i had a baby on sept 15 2012. I stay in carlsbad. If you girls are interested in meeting up lemme know.

  shilpi39 wrote on 2013-04-01 12:44:43
Hello girls...

M also xpecting n due in july....lives in mira mesa...

  shilpi39 wrote on 2013-04-01 12:44:43
Hello girls...

M also xpecting n due in july....lives in mira mesa...

  Bhavana wrote on 2013-07-16 23:57:50
Do you want to meet?
I am going to go to Hilltop Park with kids on 17july, tomorrow from 5-7. If you have time and want to meet, come by.

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