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San Diego Desi  »  Things to do
California Tower
Category: San Diego Sightseeing
Viewed: 3939
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Europeans know no city is complete without a pretty dome and tower and thankfully San Diegans don't have to travel across the Atlantic to understand why.

Balboa Park is littered with cultural and historic treasures from all over the world, but perhaps the biggest one (quite literally) is the blue-and-gold-tiled dome and 200-foot tower that can be seen from almost anywhere in the park.

Influenced by Spanish and Mexican architecture, the California Building & Tower greets visitors at the main entrance of the park and houses the Museum of Man. Busts of Philip III, Carlos III, Portola and Cabrillo adorn the facade's rich decoration and the tower's ornate carvings are a dramatic skyline component during sunsets.

But there's more to towers than just good looks. In the tradition of tiny Mediterranean towns, the tower is the focal point of the park and a perfect place to meet friends or rejoin them after visits to separate museums.

Getting There:
California Building & Tower
El Prado in Balboa Park
San Diego, CA 92101

After your refreshment stop at the Museum of Art, continue heading west, along the newly recontructed colonnade, a few hundred yards past the sculpture garden and towards the cultural icon of San Diego: the world-famous Old Globe Theatre complex. Above it you will see the magnificent, 200-foot California Tower.

More Information:
Tel: 1-619-235-1100


 Things to do in San Diego 
  Outlet Mall - Las Americas
  Sycuan Casino
  Fashion Valley Center
  UltraStar Movie Theatres
  Seeley Stables
  San Diego Harbor Excursions
  Botanical Building and Lily Pond
  Viejas Casino
  Calico Ranch
  San Diego Childrens Museum
  Noble Canyon
  Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
  Bird Watching
  Maritime Museum
  Westfield Mission Valley
  Barona Casino
  San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum
  Tijuana Blue Line Trolley
  U.S.S. Midway

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