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Planning To Buy Home In Mira Mesa - Please Suggest
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Posted by: krishnababu10675
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  krishnababu10675 wrote on 2016-12-23 15:27:29

We moved to San Diego recently. Planning to buy a home in Mira Mesa (Sandburg Elementary school area or Ericson Elementary School area or Hickman Elementary). As i am fairly new this place, i am sure about the livability and safety in the above areas.

My priorities are good Indian (Desi) community around and safety. I greatly appreciate any information in the above places. I would like to know if there is any sizable Indians living around (Bought houses) close to the above places in Mira Mesa. Suggestions on any other locations with fairly good Indian population are welcome.

Please reach me at (krishnababu10675 at

Thank you
Krishna Babu

  RobPodzunas wrote on 2017-01-02 23:55:40
There is a beautiful home available in 4S Ranch (92127) and is wonderfully decorated by an Indian family with amazing art and decor! 4,570 sq.ft. 5 Beds/4.5 Baths.
Call me for a private showing: 858-381-7676
15970 Winesprings Dr. San Diego, CA 92127

View pictures at

  Heena wrote on 2017-01-28 22:43:06
You can check with sonal agarwal kanodia
She's a real estate agent.

  sandiegodesi wrote on 2017-01-31 08:27:03
Please look at our advertisers - Banner Ads on the rightside - for Manoj Maniar, Purvi Shah, Jay Rathee & we will be adding more soon. These are all good real estate agents to work with - and they have a lot of experience with Indian Community here in San Diego.

Hope the above info helps!

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