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New To San Diego
Category posted in Family
Posted by: amittd
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  amittd wrote on 2015-01-27 13:27:49

We have recently moved to San Diego from east coast of states; we are looking to meet up north indian couples.

I am from Chandigarh and my wife is from Delhi. Please feel free to respond this thread.


  gujjudesi wrote on 2015-02-11 14:16:19
Hi Amit,

Me and my Husband stay here in Sabre Springs near Poway. We are from Gujarat but would definitely like to meet new friends. Here is email

  avatar wrote on 2015-02-16 01:20:54
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  sandy01 wrote on 2015-03-06 07:56:46
Hi Amit,
We are also finally moving to SD, My plans have been delayed by 3 months and now finally will be there in April. I am from Amabla and my wife is from Delhi we have 4 year old daughter. I am also looking for good school district homes for rent initially and Indian friends. I have also created SanDiegoNorthIndians on Google groups, please connect there.


  msgarima wrote on 2015-03-25 12:44:43
Hi Amit
Me and my husband are in Wimberly Sq in Poway in Sebre Spring . We are from punjab and would like to meet new friends . Here is my Email

  RJ wrote on 2015-06-10 18:01:19
Hello all,
My husband, 1 1/2 yr daughter and I live in carmel mountain ranch area. My husband is from Delhi and I am rom Chandigarh. Although we have been in SD for almost 6 years now, we would love to meet other north indian families.
please feel free to reach me at

  Sakshijain1713 wrote on 2015-06-11 23:42:50

I am new to San Diego and looking to make new friends. I am from Rajasthan and my Husband is from Agra, UP.

I could be reached at

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